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Participation / Involvement

The data entry form for participation in the project can be downloaded by interested fire departments and processed manually or electronically and then returned to Unit 14 (by mail or e-mail). In our experience, it takes less than 3 minutes to complete a questionnaire after a short training period.

The duration of participation in the project can be freely determined. However, it is advisable to participate on a monthly basis, 2 or 3 months are desirable. In order to participate, it is helpful, but not mandatory, for interested fire departments to have a complete record of all calls (building fire alarms) during this period. Any completed data entry sheet is useful.

The deployment data from the submitted and completed questionnaires will be anonymously stored and analyzed by us in a central database at a university. For this purpose, the fire departments send the completed questionnaires (e.g. collected or by month) to:

by e-mail


by mail

Hochschule Furtwangen

Projekt Brandschadenstatistik   

Fakultät Gesundheit, Sicherheit, Gesellschaft              
Robert-Gerwig-Platz 1

78120 Furtwangen