Sonderausgabe der vfdb Zeitschrift zur INTERSCHUTZ 2022
The Annual Conference and INTERSCHUTZ are undoubtedly the largest regular events for the vfdb. At the Annual Conference, hundreds of experts from Germany and abroad meet to receive the latest information from the field of hazard prevention and to exchange ideas in an extensive lecture program. And at the world's leading trade fair INTERSCHUTZ, users, manufacturers and developers come together to demonstrate the latest developments and to network.
But also numerous further fairs and congresses at home and abroad are regularly on the program of the vfdb. The best example: REAS powered by INTERSCHUTZ in Montichiari, Italy. For many years now, the vfdb has been represented at this most important trade fair for rescue, firefighting, disaster relief and safety south of the Alps together with Deutsche Messe AG and the German Fire Brigades Association (DFV). "International cooperation is more in demand than ever," says vfdb President Aschenbrenner "Because accidents know no national borders. With our presence at the REAS, we would like to give our Italian partners and friends an insight into our work. At the same time, we would also like to gain an insight into your solutions to problems. Italian civil protection is known for its great experience and high quality."
But also beyond European borders, the vfdb was and is represented year after year, even if the international events came to a temporary standstill due to the Corona outbreak in 2020. One example: the AFAC powered by INTERSCHUTZ in Australia. For the first time, there was a German joint stand there in 2018, which was financially supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi). The organization in the run-up and on site was the responsibility of the Association for the Promotion of German Fire Protection (vfdb). AFAC is a joint project of the Australian-New Zealand National Council for Fire, Emergency Services and Land Management (AFAC) and INTERSCHUTZ organizer Deutsche Messe AG. Furthermore, CEFE powered by INTERSCHUTZ in China and INTERSCHUTZ in the USA are on the vfdb calendar.
"Our goal is to contribute to the international transfer of technology and know-how and to provide an insight into the efficiency of hazard prevention in Germany," says Harald Herweg, the representative for the vfdb's activities abroad. In the inland the vfdb is already represented for several years on the international Düsseldorfer trade fair A+A with an information booth. But also on numerous other Events the vfdb gives an impression of its work or takes part in the lecture program. These include, for example, the Magdeburg Fire and Explosion Protection Days as well as the Braunschweig Fire Protection Days or the VdS Fire Protection Days.