vfdb - our line-iup for the future

Annual conference 2023
The 69th Annual Conference of the vfdb will be held in Münster from 15 to 17 May 2023. Information on the conference program, registration and overnight accommodations will follow.

Call for Posters
You would like to exhibit a scientific poster at the annual conference in Münster? Why not participate in the Call for Posters?

At the two past annual conferences, there was an opportunity to present posters from the field of protection, rescue and safety.
The annual conferences of the vfdb
The term "symposium" has become more and more established over the years. Meanwhile, the program takes place over three days in two parallel sessions. The Technical and Scientific Advisory Board (TWB) of the vfdb plays an essential role in the design of the program.
Over the years, the technical program has changed, many visitors come to the conference to maintain their network, and more emphasis is placed on discussion and professional exchange. The forum offers a good opportunity for this. Part of the sessions is reserved for discussion. A "vfdb Lounge", introduced for the first time in Ulm 2019, also offers good opportunities for professional exchange on selected topics. For some years now, the conferences have been held under a motto that also refers to the thematic focus of the conference.
of the conference. For example, the 2018 conference in Duisburg focused on digitization, which was then also the main topic in the plenary session. The plenary session is the professional
congress kick-off. All participants come together here before the conference is divided into two different parallel sessions.
But it is not only about scientific exchange: An accompanying exhibition shows the latest developments in hazard prevention in each case. In addition, daily social evening events, starting on the conference eve, provide plenty of space for networking and part-time and private conversations. Important with these meetings is also the integration of the new generation into the network of the vfdb. On average, 600 participants attend the conferences. The participants form a colorful mix of science, industry, volunteer fire departments, professional fire departments, trainees and students.
- 2024 Annual Conference in Magdeburg (06.05.2024 to 08.05.2024)